Population-based Gene Mapping

Population-based Gene MappingComputer with genetic data analysis population-based gene mapping

For these scientific studies, the Juneau Biosciences research team is applying a population-based gene mapping approach. This type of research requires DNA samples from thousands of women with and without the disease; no single sample provides the information needed to make these discoveries. Participants complete a questionnaire along with their sample submission, and our research team reviews all relevant medical records. For the privacy of participants, no personally identifying information is provided to the laboratory or scientific personnel. State-of-the-art equipment is used to process each sample and bioinformatic specialist conduct an evaluation across the entire genome with comparison samples.

Statistical programs are then used to detect trends in the genetic information and match these trends with the clinical information. Gradually, a picture emerges of the genes that consistently play a part in the development of these disorders.

This approach has been used effectively to identify the genes responsible for many diseases. We are optimistic that the discoveries we will make in endometriosis will lead to improved diagnoses and treatment options for women.